Ah...Valentine's Day. A day of heart-shaped: jewelry (ack! cool if you're a fifth grader,) candy boxes (dark chocolate for me thanks,) and red and pink cards. It's a day when those with a significant other feel compelled (pressured?) to show their love through the act of gift giving.
If I sound sore on the holiday, I'm not. Just a little disenchanted with the tired and redundant advertisements where everything looks the same. I think love ought to be shown every day in little ways, big ways, meaningful ways, not just Feb. 14.
Take Terri Duron Klein for instance. In a recent phone conversation (drumming up deposit money for the reunion,) Joy Orduna Lorenzana learned that Terri and Chris' son, Dan Klein, is a freshman baseball player at UCLA. Dan is a right handed pitcher. The love and pride was just exploding from Terri's heart when she told Joy about Dan.
That's the love I want to hear about. That's what I want to share with all of you; your everyday Valentine stories. Send me a note, tell me your tale. I'll post it here.
And now for some Chocolate factoids...
- Dark chocolate does not spike your blood sugar. (My favorite factoid.)
- Eating dark chocolate in moderation can actually prolong your life by reducing risk of blood clots and fighting bad cholesterol. (What better health food is there?)
- Dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. (Who could be stressed eating chocolate?)
- Americans eat on average 14 lbs of chocolate per year. (Cuz there are no calories in chocolate.)
Happy Valentine's Day everyone...may you be with your loved one(s).