As of September 24th, the artwork for our memory book as been submitted to the printers for production. If all goes well, we should have them back in our hot little hands by the second week in October and hopefully mailed out to reunion attendees the week of the 13th.
If you attended the main reunion event as a ticketed participant, you will automatically be mailed a book. If you purchased a ticket and were unable to attend, you will still get your 16 page full color memory book, with slide show DVD and photo CD.
Saints who attended ANY of the weekend reunion events are pictured in the memory book. Which brings us to an important notation: We will have a LIMITED number of memory books for sale on a first come, first serve basis. This means the first ones to send in their $15 (postage included,) will get a book. Once the books are gone, they’re gone. So, if you are interested, we suggest you send in your money pronto. We’ll email an announcement once we sell out. Make your check or money order payable to SAHS 30 yr reunion. Send to: Paul Vohsing, 11712 Martha Ann Dr., Los Alamitos, CA 90720